1 May 2000 Posted by: @lords Uncategorized


Lord’s has established itself as a brand that cut no corners when it comes to manufacturing of its products. Manufacturing of products of superlative quality comes at a cost of highest quality equipment, raw material, personnel & most importantly the intent of never compromising with the set standards. Our ointments adhere to the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure) set to produce international quality products making them as one the most trusted ointments within the subcontinent.

  • Step 1: In order to manufacture ointments the first step is to prepare a base which is done in 2 phases. One being Water Phases the other being Oil Phase.
  • Step 2: Water Phase is prepared by boiling the inactive ingredients such Boric Acid, Zincoxide etc. along with DM water in a stainless steel tank at a temperature of up to 80°.
  • Simultaneously the Oil Phase is prepared in another tank which is equipped with thermoregulated heater which melts the oily inactive ingredients such as white petroleum jelly, lanolin etc.

Step 3: Both these containers are heated & entre stirred thoroughly with the help of motors driven agitator.

  • Step 4: When the temperature of the components in both the tanks are equal then they are transferred to another vessel & the mixture of both is continuously stirred.
  • Step 5: Now at this step the Medicament / Active ingredients which has already gone through testing through & has been approved in our & QC Lob is added to the ointment manufacturing vessel. Here the mixture is stirred again through high speed homogenizer & emulsifier to ensure a uniform dispersion of the medicament.
  • Step 6: A sample of this mixture then goes through the second Phase & QC testing & after it complies with standards BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) the samples are approved for filling.
  • Step 7: Final Step in this process involves refer of the ointment into the hopper of the automatic filling machine through which it is converted into tubes of 25g each.